
Life, the 2nd chance and Jurgen Klopp

  I am good with dates. I vividly remember it was 26th May 2018. I had my final exam of Engineering life and Liverpool were set to face Real Madrid for the UCL final. The build-up to the game wasn't ideal for me personally. I had already received 3 rejections for my MS applications. For some reason, I built up a mental image that "Everything can't be bad" and LFC are gonna lift the 6th. That obviously didn't happen. After the final, a dejected Jurgen Klopp said back then: "This is not the end, only beginning". But I kinda refused to believe it. This was a golden opportunity that LFC lost. I remember waking up on the 27th. Never felt worse in life. Had nothing to look forward to. Engrossed in despair. On the 29th something changed. I wake up to my Twitter notifications at 5:30 AM. Liverpool FC have signed Fabinho. Out of nowhere. A type of player Klopp has never signed before. That made me thinking, I should probably change my approach too. And I started...

Equations of life

Few days back Prof. Bijan Sarkar (Yes! the same professor from "Opportunity" ) said a thought provoking thing: "f(Knowledge)= Package" It seems pretty random (no pun intended)? Isn't it? Let me explain. One of the students of Dr. Sarkar asked him about the placement package of a department. And in reply Professor said that "Package is the function of Knowledge" Now it makes sense, doesn't it? Anyways, coming back to the so called 'equation'. The math nerd in me couldn't help but shed some light on it further. And what I found was pretty intriguing. In mathematics we know, y= f(x)= [some equation which relates x to f(x)]. Now there are different type of equations. Logarithmic, exponential, linear and what not. So, if Professor Sarkar's equation to hold true, f(k) ( calling knowledge as k) should have a right hand side too. Isn't it? It actually has that! So what is the RHS part here? It is actually not constant. For someone,...

Is it about the place or the people?

  A few days back I was standing in front of this derelict building that would soon be demolished and make the way for a new apartment. This is a place that I used to (and still do) call my 'Mamabari' (the maternal uncle's home). The maternal uncle's home is a sentimental place for most of the Indian kids growing up. One would often visit them on summer vacation and different occasions. "The people make the place" is a quite famous saying. But standing in front of this building I started to wonder whether it is at all true! Most of my folks from my Mamabari still live around this place with new cozy apartments. I still adore them and grateful for their presence in my life but I really don't feel the same way without this dilapidated building in the picture. And I think my sentiments here are very true. I will ...

অন্য জগৎ

"There's so many different worlds So many different suns And we have just one world But we live in different ones" আশে পাশে সবার স্কুল লাইফ নিয়ে এত কথা শুনে Dire Straits এর "Brothers in arms" এর এই লিরিক্স টা বার বার মনে পড়ে যাচ্ছিল। হয়তো আমি ভাগ্যবান, বা হয়তো গঙ্গা পাড়ের এদিকের জগৎ টাই একটু আলাদা ছিল। যাই ছিল, আমার স্কুল জীবন ভীষণ অন্যরকমের ছিল। অধিকাংশ ছেলেদেরই স্কুল লাইফ এ গ্রুপ থাকতো একটা করে। আমার সৌভাগ্য বা দুর্ভাগ্য বশত সেরকম কিছু ছিল না। তিনজন খুব ভালো বন্ধু ছিল আমার সেই সময়ে: সর্বেশ্বর, সমীরণ আর রোহন।  স্কুল লাইফ বলতে তাদের সাথে কাটানো সময় টাই মনে পড়ে শুধু। তিন জনের সাথেই সম্পর্ক একটু আলাদা ছিল। সর্বেস্বর খুব সিরিয়াস ছেলে। পড়াশোনাই ওর ধ্যান জ্ঞ্যান। লাজুক স্বভাব এর জন্য সবাই ওকে লাল্টু বলে ডাকতাম। আমার আর সর্বের নাম্বার বরাবরই ১৯-২০, কিন্তু বন্ধুত্ব কোন মাপকাঠির রেখা দিয়ে মাপার উপায় নেই। এত সিরিয়াল, শোতে দেখতাম বন্ধু দের মধ্যে কত রেষারেষি অথচ আমাদের মধ্যে সেইটা একদমই ছিল না। উল্টে একে অপরকে অঙ্ক, ফিজিক্স এ সাহায্য করে গেছি বরাবর সাধ্যমত। কো...

An evening at Worli

As I stand here, all alone All by self and away from 'home' Sea of people, sea of life Some making memories  Some bidding the time A musky smell comes by the sea side Failing to leave a mark Failing to make any stride A wind of suspicion blows through my hair I often wonder when will it disappear Sea of thoughts, questions of every kind They often seek some answers They often tingle my mind Like the musky smell of the sea Questions come and questions flee Most of them don't leave a mark But the thought thereafter leaves me in dark Then I remember one golden line A priceless virtue that transcends the time  Words of great Tennyson puts me back in the 'field' I pledge not to bow down, I pledge not to yield