Equations of life
Few days back Prof. Bijan Sarkar (Yes! the same professor from "Opportunity") said a thought provoking thing: "f(Knowledge)= Package"
It seems pretty random (no pun intended)? Isn't it? Let me explain. One of the students of Dr. Sarkar asked him about the placement package of a department. And in reply Professor said that "Package is the function of Knowledge" Now it makes sense, doesn't it?
Anyways, coming back to the so called 'equation'. The math nerd in me couldn't help but shed some light on it further. And what I found was pretty intriguing.
In mathematics we know, y= f(x)= [some equation which relates x to f(x)]. Now there are different type of equations. Logarithmic, exponential, linear and what not. So, if Professor Sarkar's equation to hold true, f(k) ( calling knowledge as k) should have a right hand side too. Isn't it?
It actually has that! So what is the RHS part here? It is actually not constant. For someone, it is linear, for someone it is quadratic, for someone it is even exponential. Confused? Let me explain. We all study to gather knowledge. To have a better understanding of everything. But same studying hours or studying the same elements result in different outputs. How so? Because of the "function". For some of us, the function is linear, for some it is polynomial or even exponential. So even if two people are studying the same thing, it results in gathering different knowledge, different perspectives, and hence different packages. Now, if a person who has a linear function wants to match the output of one having an exponential function, so what should he/she do? Simple! he/she should increase the input value. Which in this case is focus time, concentration, etc.
To put in the language of mathematics, for someone it is f(k)= e^k+c and for someone else, it is probably f(k)= logk +c or ak+c. Hold on what is this +c? Am I doing some integration that I have added a +c? No! Not really. +c is the constants in our life. Like, the family support, the financial support from parents, the mental support and companionship of a friend or a beloved. And it can have both positive and negative values. Sometimes these things in life act as positive reinforcement, and sometimes as a hindrance. Just like in a mathematical equation, the constant is added or subtracted.
Further, I believe there are numerous equations like these that govern our life. One for career, one for family, one for conjugal relationships, etc. As I finish up this post and hit the publish button, I don't even know whether I make some sense or not. But this is something I have thought a lot and I think this is very interesting.
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